Thursday, August 2, 2007

Finally I Started A Blog!!!

Yeah, yeah I know I know ladies & gentlemen…FINALLY! My blog site is set up after like close to 3yrs of delaying. YAY! !! *Applause! Applause!* So would like to thank my parents, brother, cousins and friends for the constant questioning of the existence of my own blog site and the encouragement to set one up. I could never have done without the help from you all! =) Uh yeah...watever....

So what’s been holding me back all these while to set up?

1st Reason = The next level of personal online e-diary creation for everyone worldwide!? No way by setting up a blog, I would want to fall into the trap of another online e-diary. Attention span can be spent elsewhere more wisely and purposefully. Rather post up items that are beneficial to readers! =)

2nd Reason = Time & maintenance. Time to set up and maintain one…hahaha….. Often my mind keeps thinking faster than what I can able to record down and later gets dissolved up somewhere in my HDD system (aka my brain). Wish there’s this device that can able to capture, record and save down your thoughts electronically and upload later. Inventors out there…wanna take up this challenge? =)

To my cousins and friends out there across the globe, hope this blogsite helps to connect us back again after all the missed years. Cheers!!!

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